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Notice his common sense approach. We don't need a wall/fence on the border you say?? I will believe that when they remove the fence around the White House! He is the ONLY candidate who speaks the truth and votes with the Constitution! He is the only one with a 20+ year track record that actually matches what he speaks about! Closed borders, lower taxes, no amnesty, smaller government, etc.
THE ONLY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, NOT SPECIAL INTERESTS! No amnesty for illegals, lower taxes for everyone, no Iraq war, foreign policy the way our founding fathers wanted, and a 20 YEAR CONGRESSIONAL TRACK RECORD to PROVE that he actually votes the way he believes! A doctor, a former service member in the military, and married for over 50 years. This man is the real deal!
This link you can print off great flyers FREE for Ron Paul which all his supporters should post EVERYWHERE and hand out at MAJOR EVENTS!
Also don't forget to tell all your friends and family and donate to the campaign with his website below!
Click Here To Download "Preserve the CONSTITUTION! There is only one man who will!!!" Now!
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